Events Calendar

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  • Political Influence on International Climate Agreements with ...
    May 22, 2024
  • Adding Household surveys to the behavioral economics ...
    November 09, 2023
  • Coase and Cap-and-Trade: Evidence on the Independence ...
    September 20, 2023
  • Climate Policy Shouldn’t Ignore Asset Stranding
    June 09, 2023
  • Changes In Risk Attitudes Vary Across Domains Throughout The ...
    May 08, 2023
  • Online Trade Platforms: Hosting, Selling, or Both?
    January 19, 2023
  • Consumer Deception Through Greenwashing: High Share of ...
    November 02, 2022
  • Anchoring Bias Influences Strategies Too
    October 04, 2022
  • How Communication Makes the Difference Between a Cartel and ...
    September 05, 2022
  • Optimal Discounts in Green Public Procurement
    July 15, 2022
  • How Platform Business Models could Boost the Energiewende
    July 04, 2022
  • Information Security Management in ICT and non-ICT Sector ...
    June 03, 2022
  • Competing Sales Channels with Captive Consumers
    May 18, 2022
  • The Role of Ukrainian Workers in the EU
    April 21, 2022
  • Can Economic Decisions be Predicted by Finger Lengths? A ...
    December 13, 2021
  • 20 Years of the Riester Pension - Germany Needs a Reform of ...
    November 22, 2021
  • Price Comparison Websites
    November 15, 2021
  • COVID-19 and Pro-Sociality: How do Donors Respond to Local ...
    October 25, 2021
  • Effectiveness, Spillovers, and Well-Being Effects of Driving ...
    October 15, 2021
  • Newsletter



    BCCP’s research agenda is shaped by three main research questions: 1) What characterizes consumer and market behavior? 2) How should policies be optimally designed to protect consumers? 3) Are the existing institutions and policies effective? These research questions are applied to different topics and policy areas. With about 80 members, the spectrum of BCCP’s current research projects is broad. As a natural evolution of BCCP’s work over the past years, the effects of digitization on consumers and market participants are therefore a common theme throughout our three main research areas of consumer and market behavior, policy design and policy evaluation and a key topic in our research agenda.


    • Articles in Refereed Journals

      Adena, M., and Harke, J. (2022). COVID-19 and pro-sociality: How do donors respond to local pandemic severity, increased salience, and media coverage? Experimental Economics, 25(3): 824–844.

      Adena, M., and Huck, S. (2022). Personalized fundraising: A field experiment on threshold matching of donations. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 200: 1–20.

      Adena, M., and Huck, S. (2022). Voluntary “donations” versus reward-oriented “contributions”: Two experiments on framing in funding mechanisms. Experimental Economics, 25: 1399–1417  .

      Albert, P., Kübler, D., and Silva-Goncalves, J. (2022). Peer effects of ambition. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 193: 161–195.

      All publications in refereed journals 

    • Discussion Papers

      Affeldt, P., Argentesi, E. and Filistrucchi, L. (2021). Estimating Demand with Multi- Homing in Two- Sided Markets. DIW Discussion Papers 1965.

      Affeldt, P., Duso, T., Gugler, K. and Piechucka, J. (2021). Market Concentration in Europe: Evidence from Antritrust Markets. DIW Discussion Papers 1930.

      Anderson, S. P. and Bedre-Defolie, Ö. (2021). Hybrid platform model. CEPRS Discussion Paper No. DP16243. 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology.

      Becker, S., Buslei, H., Geyer, J. and Haan, P. (2021). Employment Responses to Income Effect: Evidence from Pension Reform. DIW Discussion Papers 1941.

      Boer, L., Menkhoff, L. and Rieth, M. (2021). The Multifaced Impact of US Trade Policy on Financial Markets. DIW Discussion Papers 1956.

      Bremus, F., Schütze, F. and Zaklan, A. (2021). The Impact of ECB Corporate Sector Purchases on European Green Bonds. DIW Discussion Papers 1938.

      All publications in discussion papers

    • Monographs and Book Chapters

      Adena, M. (2021). How can we improve tax incentives for charitable giving? Lessons from field experiments in fundraising. In: The Routledge Handbook of Taxation and Philanthropy, Henry, P. and Lideikyte-Huber, G. (eds.), Routledge: forthcoming.

      Adena, M. (2021). Tax-price Elasticity of Charitable Donations- Evidence from the German Taxpayer Panel. In: The Routledge Handbook of Taxation and Philanthrophy, Henry, P. and Lideikyte-Huber, G. (eds.), Routledge: forthcoming.

      Augenhofer, S. (2021). Stichwort „Verbraucherschutz“. Staatslexikon, 8(5): 1277-1282.

      Schulz, W. and Potthast, K. C. (2021). Medienrecht. In W. Hoffmann-Riem & H. Koch (Eds.), (pp. 335-364) Baden-Baden: Nomos.

      Albrecht, M., Baake, P., an der Heiden, I., Brenck, A., Ochmann, R. and Schiffhorst, G. (2020). Ökonomisches Gutachten zum Apothekenmarkt. IGES Institut.

      All publications in monographs and book chapters

    • Other Publications

      Affeldt, P., Duso, T., Gugler, K. and Piechucka, J. (2021). Marktkonzentrationstrend steigt in Dienstleistungsmärkten deutlich. DIW Wochenbericht, 20: 339-347.

      Ash, E., Chen, D. L. and Ornaghi, A. (2021). Gender Attitudes in the Judiciary: Evidence from U.S. Circuit Courts.

      Augenhofer, S. (2021). Die neue Verbandsklagen-Richtlinie- effektiver Verbraucherschutz durch Zivilprozessrecht?. NJW: 113-192.

      Baake, P. and Mitusch, K. (2021). Mobilfunk-Netzausbau in dünn besiedelten Regionen: KonsumentInnen profitieren von Roaming. DIW Wochenbericht, 17: 291-299.

      Baake, P. and Wittenberg, E. (2021). Auch die Anbieter profitieren vom Roaming: Inerview. DIW Wochenbericht, 17: 300.

      Bach, S. and Haan, P. (2021). Kinderfreibetrag reduzieren, Familienleistungen für Geringverdienende ausbauen. DIW aktuell 64.

      All publications in other publications


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